Best Black and white gallery
This is as far from the usual pretty-on-the-wall landscape photography as you can get -- although there are a lot of similarities regarding composition and lighting sans color. Content is the big difference in that virtually every image can stand alone invoking whatever meaning strikes the viewer.
The following is the work of the last 20 years in no particular order. You may not want to decorate a room with any of these but I hope they are interesting enough for you to enjoy looking at. Some captions are provided to allow me to explain or apologize.
One of my most simple images. A chair with one leg missing.
I liked the bright areas on top and bottom as well as the puzzling hand prints.
Mob rules in this sinister shot of miniature people.
The repeating vertical lines made this image too precious to pass up.
I enjoyed the cloud-like blooms around this cactus echoing the clouds in the background.
Anyone who has spend a lonely night in a motel can relate to this somber image.
The saddest part of this long-closed school is the old gym with its dusty basketball.
Stacks of hats and window frame balances the whole nicely.
Dark and dreary. Yet the three hearts brighten up both the room and one's spirit.
Just another stool except for the melody of the piano keys.
Merely three layers of lines but the symmetry makes is worthwhile.
Two simple items at a roadside flea market I guess warning against haggling.
A car desperately in need of washing with a hose equally in need of a human.
Passing cars as permanent as the wires above.
This church's sermon on its rooftop was powerful symbolism.
Just two items here. Black and white.