quirky people Gallery #1
(21 Folks in this Gallery)
Uncle Horace Helped Those In Need
Uncle Monty Believed In Easy Solutions
Uncle Vern Highly Valued His Chamber Pots
Aunt Paula Followed Her Passion
Uncle Jeb Cashed In On His Reputation
Uncle Humphrey Invented Bar-Top Gambling
We Loved Aunt Joanne's Store
Jules Lived For The Fourth
Cousin Melvin's Unit Was Ready To Serve
Priscilla Had Trouble Sharing
Uncle George Took Halloween Seriously
Cousin Billy
wished School Was Closer
Aunt Rose Was Misinformed About Venice
Frances Chose Forestry
Brenda Took Ballerina Training Seriously
Dewey Learned Much on His First Shore Leave
Cousin William And His Loved Ones
Lawrence And Lydia Rarely Left Their Cellar
Cousin Allan Loved His Birds
Uncle Hugo's Gifts Weren't Alway Appropriate